• I imported the Elementor page layout but the fonts and colors are wrong

    This is quite likely due to Elementor’s default styling being active. To disable it navigate to Elementor > Settings and enable the Disable Default Colors and Disable Default Fonts settings.

  • How can I test if a plugin is breaking my site?

    To test if a plugin is breaking your site first disable all of your plugins and check that your site is functioning correctly.

    If so, you can pinpoint the offending plugin by re-enabling each plugin, checking your site as you go. When your site breaks you will have isolated the plugin that’s causing the issue.

  • Do you offer custom development?

    Unfortunately we don’t offer custom development as a service but we recommend that you contact Codeable for any custom dev that you require.

  • How can I create a backup of my site?

    A great backup tool is the free Duplicator plugin. It has an easy to use wizard interface and reduces an entire WordPress installation (the database, the themes that are installed, WordPress itself, etc.) to a zip file and a PHP installer file, essentially creating a snapshot of your whole site. This allows you to roll back to that point at any time.

  • How can I use Page Builder after updating my site to WordPress 5.0?

    WordPress 5.0 introduces the new Gutenberg content editor. We are currently in the process of making our themes Gutenberg compatible. You can get the classic editor experience with Page Builder by installing the official Classic Editor WordPress plugin.

  • My Google Map is not displaying. How can I fix this?

    This is likely due to it not having an API key. For additional information please refer to the following page. For more information on authentication and Google Maps JavaScript API services please see Google’s documentation.

  • Due to GDPR restrictions I’m not able to use Google Fonts on my site. Can I disable it?

    All of our Premium themes give you the ability to disable Google Fonts. You can read a comprehensive guide on disabling Google Fonts on your site here.

  • How do I create a blog?

    To create a new blog post just log in to your WordPress admin and navigate to Posts > Add New. You can assign a blog post to categories and you can add tags to your posts. Tags are essentially keywords that are relevant to your post.

    If you wish to set your homepage to display your blog posts navigate to Settings > Reading and set the “Front page displays” setting to “Your latest posts”.

    If you don’t wish to have your blog posts on your homepage all you need to do is create and publish a page that you would like to be your blog page. Then navigate to Settings > Reading, set the “Front page displays” setting to “A static page” and select the page you wish to be your blog page from the “Posts page” dropdown. If this page isn’t already in your navigation menu, then go to Appearance > Menus and add it.

    By default your blog page will display the posts in order of most recent to least recent. The reason for this is so that people visiting your blog will see the most recent post first rather than having to scroll down to the bottom of the page.

  • Why is the sidebar not displaying on my page?

    If you have set a page to use a template that includes a sidebar but the sidebar isn’t displaying this will be due to the sidebar being empty. Navigate to Appearance > Widgets and add a widget to the appropriate sidebar. Once you’ve done that the sidebar will be visible on your page.

  • What is the easiest way to add custom CSS to my site?

    If you just want to add a small amount of custom CSS to your site then this can be done quite easily using the Customizer. Navigate to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS and insert your custom CSS into the textarea.

    If you are wanting to make more extensive customizations to your site then it would be best to use a child theme.

  • I tried to download the Premium theme but it’s not saving it as a zip file

    This is a setting in Safari. You can disable it by navigating to Safari > Preferences > General and unchecking “Open Safe Files After Downloading”. Once you’ve done that you should be able to download the zip file without it automatically unzipping.

  • When I try to install the theme I get a message saying “The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini”

    This is a fairly simple thing to fix but unfortunately it will require contacting your hosting provider. They will need to increase the “upload_max_filesize” setting in the PHP setup of your hosting package. Once the upload limit has been increased it should install without a hitch.

  • I tried to install the theme zip file but got an error saying there were no plugins in the zip file

    You’re seeing that error because you tried to install the theme via the Plugins section of the WordPress admin. To install a theme follow these steps:

    1. Log in to the WordPress admin and go to Appearance > Themes.
    2. Click “Add New” and then “Upload Theme” and select the zip file you downloaded. Then click “Install Now”.
    3. Once it has installed go to the Themes section, hover over the newly installed theme and click “Activate” and that’s all there is to it.

    If you go to Appearance > Customize you will find various settings that will allow you to customize your site.

  • How do I disable comments on a page?

    To do this just edit the page and click the “Screen Options” tab at the top right of the screen. A little slidedown will appear, check the “Discussion” option.

    Now you will see a checkbox at the bottom of the page that says “Allow comments”. Uncheck this and save the page. Your page will no longer display the feedback form.

    When you edit or add any future pages you will now see the “Allow comments” checkbox at the bottom of the page and can just deselect it for any pages that you don’t want to display the form.