We’ve added even MORE navigation menu settings to our CityLogic WordPress theme.
Font Color Rollover Style
We’ve added a Font Color option to the available navigation menu rollover styles. Selecting this style will give your top level navigation menu items a simple font color change on mouse hover. Simple but effective!
You’ll find this setting under Appearance > Customize > Header > Navigation Menu
Select “Font Color” from the Rollover Style, set your Rollover Font Color and you’re good to go!
Navigation Menu Borders
We’ve also added navigation menu border settings to CityLogic Premium. If you’re already using the Premium theme you’ll find these settings under Appearance > Customize > Header > Navigation Menu
If you haven’t yet upgraded be sure to check out the what the Premium upgrade has to offer.
The navigation menu border settings will enable you to add top and bottom borders to the navigation menu. You can set the color, width and weight of the borders giving you the flexibility to create some striking header layouts.
Below are some examples of what can be achieved with a combination of these new settings.
That’s it for now but stay tuned because we’re always adding new features to our themes!
Awesome, that is a pretty nice design update. I am sure my clients will love it.