Beam me up Scotty gets some cool new settings

We’ve added some cool new settings to Beam me up Scotty, our FREE back to top button WordPress plugin.

WordPress plugin Beam me up Scotty

Show / Hide Animation

Now you can select the show / hide animation of the back to top button. Instead of the button just appearing out of nowhere you can have it either slide in from the right or fade in. It’s a simple addition but it really adds a touch of class to your back to top button!

Hide when not Scrolling

It’s really annoying when you’re trying to read the text on a page and there’s a big old back to top button in the way. That’s why we’ve added a setting to make the back to top button disappear when the user isn’t scrolling. Not only that but you can also set the amount of time after the user stops scrolling before the back to top button will hide!


This setting allows you to specify how far from the edge of the page the back to top button should sit. This is handy if you’re using the plugin on a site that has some fixed elements that are flush with the edge of the page which could potentially overlap the back to top button and create a really messy situation!

That’s it for now but stay tuned because we’re always adding new features to our WordPress themes and plugins!

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